
Sorcery / Traditions / New Age Occultism

Some sorcerers try to keep an open mind, to accept everything and to pick out the best of every magic tradition. They do not seek their own truth, but to embrace and adapt the ideas of others, combining disparate world-views.

New agers can cooperate and study under other magicians, but never fully accept any other magic tradition; in their urge to learn all and accept all, they have to refuse the inner meaning and prejudices that define other magic traditions. This can alienate their teachers and garner the student a bad reputation as a traitor or simply untrustworthy. The new ager is saddened by this, but does not really care all that much; he know that there is no ultimate truth, and that the quest for knowledge is eternal. In the new age, there can be no secrets man was not meant to know.

Of course, many new agers abandon this path and fall in with some more orthodox magic tradition as time passes.

Examples and References

Real life pop culture.



A new ager believes everything is understandable and that everything should be experienced to the fullest. He refuses to call anything evil, thinking that it is only a matter of how things are used. Knowledge is good, and sharing knowledge is even better. Any chance to learn should be accepted with an open mind, so when the devil worshippers ask him to come to their Sabbath, he gladly accepts. If asked for her birth sign or secret name, he eagerly complies. Because sharing is good. Really, it is! One should try everything, and if it backfires the first time, try it again.

This does not mean that new agers are goody-goody idealists. Some of them turn to dark powers and dark pleasures, and their willingness to try new things often lead even the best of them astray.

Hocus Pocus

Separating what is real and what is superstition is difficult and meaningless – if every magic tradition is true, then every magical method must be true. Thus, the new ager uses the props from all the traditions he has studied - as well as a few he invented himself. This makes for a quite large collection of mumbo-jumbo, rituals, chants and occult paraphernalia. On top of this, new agers are mostly counter-culture people, and dress the part. However, they rarely penetrate below the surface and learn the meaning of these symbols, merely embracing them as pop art.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Anything at all - though no creature is likely to be very well disposed towards a new ager.