
Sorcery / Traditions / Mysticism

A mystic seeks power through understanding the true nature of reality. Through study and meditation, the mystic seeks to find symbolic relationships between the mundane and the supernatural.

The supernatural forces that the mystic seeks to understand are often divine, and mystics claim to explore and understand the deepest secrets of the universe. This often makes them the victims of persecution and accusations of heresy from the formalized church which wants to maintain a monopoly on faith.

Mystics are stout individualists - though the lore of mysticism can be taught, the inner meaning and deeper secrets must be experienced through personal mediation and spirit-quests. Therefore, there are few great academies where mysticism is taught, and rarely armies of adepts willing to fight for their beliefs.

Examples and References

Pythagoreans, Cabalists, Swedenborgians, Rosencreutsians, Yogi, Sufi, the movie Pi.



Mystics are aware that they are meddling with powers beyond their understanding. They must be careful at all times not to offend the powers they invoke, and ostentatious or frequent use of their powers can lead to ill omens or attacks by vengeful spirits. As long as the power of mysticism is used in accord with the will of the divine, there are usually few problems, but straying from the path of righteousness is dangerous.


A mystic cannot work magic on a total stranger. You must know at least something about your target's relationship to the world and to the greater powers in order to work your magic on him. His name is sufficient, as is his horoscope.

Every mystic's favorite target is himself; mysticism focuses on expanding the perceptions and capabilities of the practitioner.

Common Schticks


Mystic angels - that is the immortal guardians of the cosmos, not necessarily related to any religion.