
Sorcery / Traditions / Infernalism

Some people are willing to sell their souls for power, and doing so can be a basis for a sorcery tradition. The temptation of power is such that even intelligent and seemingly wise people fall in this trap. Just a tiny contract, a mortgage on your immortal soul, and it can all be yours.

Some infernalists join together in cabals or covens, while others are loners, learning their magic at the feet of their patron without ever meeting another mage.

Not all infernalists need be evil. In fact, the conflict between the mage and the patron is a central facet of this tradition. As long as they work at the purpose their masters intended, their powers run smoothly and all goes well. But should they fail, they may discover their powers to be as much of a hindrance as a benefit. Few people ever escape from selling their souls - and the few that do tend to become legendary.

It might be possible to make a contract like this with a non-evil being - such as an elemental or animal lord. In fact, in a world where the forces of law are persecuted, even these may make deals like this one. But whatever force you are dealing with is sure to be socially repugnant in your culture - why would it otherwise accept to become a patron in this way, rather than to accept a normal worshipper?

Infernalists are often called witches or warlocks, which can be right or wrong depending on what you think a witch is. There is some relation between infernalism and HedgeMagic.

Examples and References

Classic horror B-movies, like The Warlock. Faust.



Infernalists generally suffer from minor side effects, such as milk turning sour when they are near or animal hostility. They also detect as evil to most organized churches. But this is just a minor nuisance unless there is trouble brewing between the infernalist and the patron. When this relationship sour, as it will if the infernalist is not acting devout enough, the echoes become much more severe, and might actually threaten the infernalist’s life and friends.


All infernal magic is colored by the nature of the patron. So, if you have the Lord of Flies as a patron, you magic takes the form of corruption, stench, poison and decay. This is not as much a matter of limiting the effects you can achieve, it is more of a signature that colors your magic and makes you easier to trace.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Servants of your patron.