
Sorcery / Traditions / Hedge Magic

The roots of hedge magic are uncertain; it might be the oldest kind of magic, taught directly by spirits, fairies or gods, or it might be a debased form or some other magic tradition. Most likely, it is a mixture of these forms, developed into something quite separate. It is generally considered chaotic and primitive, and often persecuted by the forces of "progress".

Hedge magicians are often called witches or warlocks, which can be right or wrong depending on what you think a witch is. Some hedge magic is sorcery fueled by superstition; the superstition on the sorcerer, and the superstition of people in the world. In this form it is an unlearned, unrefined type of magic, that can survive great amounts of persecution simply because it requires little formal education. There also exists a more refined form of hedge magic, a form of nature worship that refuses to bargain with the forces of "progress" or technology. Some hedge magicians turn to the powers of darkness - their only perceived allies against the forces of oppression and civilization - and become infernalists. This turns the hate of your enemies into your source of power, but in turn fuels their bigotry even further.

Examples and References

Classic horror B-movies, like The Warlock. Pop-culture Wicca.



Hedge magicians turn their backs on "progress", and turn back to a time before technology. The prime manifestation of technology in this world is iron, and thus the bane of hedge magic is iron and it's derivatives. But it takes rather large amount of iron to impair hedge magic; a sword, rifle, bicycle or suit of armor does impair magic, while a dagger or belt buckle does not

In advanced societies, iron is gradually phased out in favor of other materials. Aluminium is even more alien and magic impairing than iron. Modern composites and ceramics have the same effect.

Hocus Pocus

Hedge magic uses paraphernalia for all it's effects - often unique things like the fat from an unbaptized child or the skin of a black cat. Crystal balls, charms, tarot cards and all the other well-known mystic items of popular superstition are also used.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Anything from folklore, especially local monsters and bogymen.