
Sorcery / Traditions / Elemental Magic

Elemental magic is the power of one element, made manifest in the natural world. The sorcerer identifies with a single element, to the exclusion of everything else. It can be said to be a sub-tradition of elementalism, and shares much of the same world-view, but is often seen as a perversion by true elementalists.

Not all schools agree which elements are real. Western schools vouch for air, earth, fire and water, while eastern traditions usually recognize air, fire, water, metal, and bamboo. Whichever element you represent is of course real, and much more important than all the other elements put together.

Elemental mages believe in elemental planes, places where one element holds dominance over all others. In particular, you believe in the elemental plane of your own particular element, and consider this a place of perfection.

Elemental magic is not limited to the physical world. Our minds and bodies are also made up of elemental substances, or humors, which fundamentally affect who we are, what we do, and if we are well.

Elemental mages are often accused of being misantropic, and not without cause. The step from being a devoted practitioner of the magic of a single element, and a zealot who wants to spread this element all over the world, can be very fine indeed.

Many Elemental Mages are Schticks: Single-Schtick Magicians.

Examples and References

Al-Qadim elemental mages.



Every effect an elemental mage uses must be a direct manifestation of his element. It is impossible to work a spell unless you can explain it in terms of the element you use. A lot of creativity is allowed. For example, healing can be restoring the balance of body fluids (water), cauterizing wounds (fire) or reinforcing the substance of meat and bones (earth). Spells directly relating to another element are impossible, while magical effects seemingly unrelated to any element must be explained in terms of the element that you are using.


Elemental mages work with manifestations of their element - both in physical and mystic effects. So a fire elemental mage trying to make someone angry would manifest fire, quite visibly.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Elementals and humors - spirits of the different moods.