
Sorcery / Traditions / Druidism

Druids are divine spell casters that draw their power from nature or from a divinity of nature. They have a rather loose set of ethics, ranging from progressive agricultural experts over back-to-nature hippies to fanatical terrorists opposed to all of civilization.

Examples and References

Mists of Avalon



Iron and steel is the mark of civilization, a symbol of all that druids are opposed to. Large amounts of iron or steel worn or carried prevents you from using your powers. Smaller amounts - like a belt buckle, a dagger, or similar small items, have no adverse effect. Neither do larger items if shaped in the druidic tradition - sickles and scythes are prime examples.


A druid who must manifest all his magic as aspects of nature. Blasts are flying thorns, illusions are mirages formed by heat and mist. All his magic is hindered if there is no natural phenomena nearby to cause his effect. This means that their repertoire of effects is greatly diminished indoors and in urban areas.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Animals, and part-animal-beasts like were creatures, chimerae and unicorns.