
Sorcery / Traditions / Chinese Alchemy

This is the default magic tradition from the Feng Shui game, and thus the baseline for all the original sorcery schticks. Chinese sorcery is tied to Feng Shui and deals a lot with fortune and health - the ultimate goal is immortality. It is immortalized in the special-effects heavy Hong Kong Wuxia tradition.

Examples and References

Hong Kong movies, anime.


Hocus Pocus

When casting spells, chinese sorcerers are gesticulating, chanting, and undertaking other ritual actions. These might include using a brush and ink to form particular characters on paper, burning incense or paper, or spreading powders in mystic patterns. Chinese alchemy and medicine are also very important tools. Mirrors, ribbons, mantras, blood, drugs and rare arcane substances are all part of his paraphernalia. The Chinese magician is always dressed in a fantastic robe, embroidered with magic signs and symbols.


Flashy special effects accompanies all Chinese magic - at least in the Hong Kong movie tradition that Feng Shui seeks to emulate.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


All manner of Chinese spirits and demons - most are malign and very bizarre.