
Sorcery / Traditions / Astrology

Astrologers observe celestial events, the stars, and the planets to draw magic from them. Because of the strong and obvious effect the heavens have on fate and life on earth, this is very powerful. Astrologers can predict fortuitous moments to do different things, but that is only the beginning of their craft. An accomplished astrologer can actually change the future or cause some event to occur spontaneously by creating a mystic link between certain heavenly bodies.

The rules given here apply to pure astrologers, but many wizards also practie some astrology on the side.

Examples and References

Egyptian astronomy from TORG.


Hocus Pocus

Every astrological spell requires calculations based on stellar observations and charts. Astrolabes, scrolls, an abacus and a robe with symbolic star-signs are all important props.


Every astrologer must weave his own star-sign into every spell. If an opponent know this star sign, which can be calculated from your time and place of birth, he can spoil every stellar alignment you try to create, spoiling all your magic.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Avatars of lesser gods, virtues and other abstract concepts. Demons from beyond the crystal spheres.