
Sorcery / Schticks / Water

Water is life, water is movement.

The difficulty of the beneficial effects of this schtick is the target's Constitution rating

Effects that affect or depend on the environment have different difficulties depending on where they are invoked. If you are underwater, the difficulty is zero and the Outcome is doubled.

Area Difficulty
Waterside O
Healthy vegetation 5
Dry, sparsely overgrown 10
Desert 15
Furnace 20

A Backlash with Water magic causes nearby water to become polluted, to smell bad and become undrinkable. A well or stream will soon clear up, but carried water must be cleaned to be usable.

Water Effects


These effects are common to all the elements. The descriptions are generic, but apply only to the particular element(s) you know the schticks for.

Elemental Master

With Elemental Master, you can dominate creatures of your element and expect them to do your bidding, if they are not dead-set against you. You can communicate with the elementals and speak their language fluently. Use Sorcery instead of your Charisma for purposes of dealing with them. The elementals fear and respect you and will not attack you without provocation.

Elemental Summon

You can also summon (but not control) elementals. This costs two for Magic points (one if you make it a 15-minute ritual) and has a difficulty equal to the Powers of the elemental.

Sense Elementals

You can sense the presence of any creature of your element within a hundred meters times your Sorcery action value. You only know that they are present until you can see them, whereupon you can sense their health and general well being. Sensing an elemental in this fashion requires a Sorcery check against it's Willpower. This must be done subtly, or the target will sense your scrying.

Elemental Travel

You can travel to the elemental plane of your choice. Not all campaigns have elemental planes, or they may lack relevance to the story, in which case you shoild not expect this to work. But when it does work, you open a portal to the elemental plane and arrive in a spot corresponding to the place you left your own world from - depening on the cosmology of the plane.

Elemental Protection

You are protected against the harmful effects of your element. You can even survive on the corresponding elemental plane. Whenever you would take damage from elemental attacks, subtract your Magic from the damage dealt to you. This is not armor or Toughness, and cannot be bypassed as such. Elemental attacks include ElementalAura and Blast variants of your element - compare to DamageImmunity.

Fluid Motion

You can use water or another fluid to lubricate things, reducing friction. This can help repair a worn out machine or ease escape from bonds or passage trough small openings (spend Magic points as Fortune points for such stunts). Small amounts of lubricants last until worn out.


You can create a cloud of thick and concealing fog. The cloud has a diameter equal to your Sorcery Action Result. For those blinded, halve Move, and all Perception tests and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of one per meter in the fog. Seeing more than a meter through this fog is hard. The cloud lasts a number of Sequences equal to your Outcome. Use environmental difficulties.

Sea Life

You can turn into a mercreature at the cost of a Magic point. You are blessed for life in the sea; you can breathe water instead of air and can move unhindered and at your full Move rate underwater, but some maneuvers or weapons may not work well underwater (Fire, sweeping attacks).

For three Magic points, you can become a full water elemental. This makes your form fluid, and you can creep under doors and through cracks or pipes. You are also practically invisible underwater, and you normally suffer no more than a single Wound Point from any normal physical attack. Attacks based on the elements cause normal damage.


Water Breathing

Targets are blessed and can breathe water instead of air. The effect lasts as long as your targets remain underwater, and costs a Magic point for a number of people equal to your Magic attribute.

Wave Mastery

You can control the movement of waves and currents in water. Such effects are very massive, but slow. They have a Strength equal to your Sorcery Action Value, but any stunts are based on an Action Value equal to your Magic. If you wish, you can affect several targets in a diameter equal to your Magic attribute for one Magic point. Similar to the Blast effect Wave.


You can create and purify water. Use environmental difficulties. For each point of Outcome, you can create or purify ten liters of water. You can keep this up through concentration, generating this amount of water each Sequence. Creating water costs a Magic point, purifying does not.


You can create huge amounts of water, flooding an area. This water is salty and somewhat unreal; it will not quench thirst nor water plants, only be wet and uncomfortable. Use environmental difficulties, you can create a number of cubic meters of water equal to the Outcome for one Magic Point. Smaller amounts, up to the measures for a Wellspring, are free.