
Sorcery / Schticks / Transference

This is the ability to transfer attributes from one creature or object to another. It is built around the idea that ephemeral qualities can be separated from the physical objects or creatures that normally house them. It can only be a part of magical traditions that believe this is possible.

Some Transference powers take their power from elements; you can take speed from the wind or toughness from the earth anyplace. However, such transfers generally cannot go to the user of the power. Others transfer from creatures; penalizing one to benefit another; these are generally stronger, and all have a dual effect.

Ok, enough bull - this is an attempt to render the Kinetics power set from City of Heroes in T3 terms - something I do not expect to be easy.


There are some general limitations on all Transference powers.


The good stuff!

Force of Water

You harness the eternal strength of the sea to cast others away from you like a giant wave. You must activate this spell as a normal action. Thereafter, whenever an enemy attacks you or someone near you in melee, you can take a 1-shot defensive action to try and push them away. This works like an active defense, including the normal dodge bonus, and if they fail to hit they are pushed back one meter per point of negative outcome and lose three shots. You cannot push someone whose Body exceeds your Sorcery . Force of Water takes some concentration to use; if you ever elect not to defend yourself in melee, the effect ends.

Siphon Endurance

You try to steal another's life force to revitalize friends near him. If you hit, anyone you wish to help in an area with a diameter equal to your Magic centered on the target recovers either a Magic point, a Fortune point, or 5 Fu points, his choice. The victim loses either a Magic point, a Fortune point, or 5 Fu points, his choice as long as he has the points to spend. If neither of these are available, there is no effect on the target, but the recovery still works.

Siphon Life

You try to steal another's life force to heal friends near him. If you hit, the healing done is equal to your Magic attribute plus the Outcome to anyone you wish to heal in an area with a diameter equal to your Magic centered on the target. The victim loses either a Magic point, a Fortune point, or 5 Fu points, his choice as long as he has the points to spend. If neither of these are available, there is no effect on the target, but the heal still works.

Siphon Power

Steal another’s Strength and Magic to strengthen friends near him. If you hit, the target loses 3 points of Strength and Magic while anyone you wish to help in an area with a diameter equal to your Magic centered on the target gains two points. This lasts for the rest of the sequence. Several uses are not cumulative.

Because the transfer is so temporary, it has no effect on Magic points.

This can be done as an area effect at the cost of a Magic point. For each additional target drained each ally gains an additional point of Strength and Magic, with a maximum bonus equal to your Magic. All targets, both friends and foes, must be in the area mentioned above.

Siphon Speed

You steal speed from an enemy and give it to yourself. The enemy loses three shots from his shot counter and three points of Speed for the rest of the fight; you gain a bonus of two points of Speed for the fight. If this power succeeds, it only costs a single shot to use; if it fails it costs the normal 3 shots.

Speed of the Wind

You steal power from the wind to give a short-term speed boost to friends; each affected friend gains a bonus of 2 points of Speed for the next sequence.

Strength of the Earth

You imbue a friend with the toughness of the earth, giving him a +2 bonus on Toughness and making him immune to knockback; any attacks or Struts designated to move or throw him automatically fails, with no effect whatsoever, including Slime. He cannot lose shots from physical Stunts when rooted in this way. This lasts for the current sequence.

Weight of Fire

You imbue allies with the weightless of fire for the next scene; they can make any normal movement in the form of leaps instead of running, and they can use your Sorcery instead of their Move while leaping.