
Sorcery / Schticks / Technomancy

This power deals with magical control of machinery, particulary advanced machinery like electronics and computers. It is different from Arcanotech in that the Sorcerer does not link his Chi to that of the machine, he merely channels the natural chi flow through the machine.

A technomancer gains an instinctive understanding of complex technological phenomena, such as data formats and information transfer. He cannot normally explain those things in scientific terms, but he can interpret them.

The difficulty of technomancy is the Toughness or the machine, or the skill rating of it's operator or maintenance man. Examples include Drive for vehicles and Guns for guns. Assume this to be 8 in most cases. Against very large machines, you can spend Magic points to reduce the machine's effective Toughness; one Magic point lowers the machine's effective Toughness by three. This can never reduce a difficulty below the operator's skill.

On a backlash the character loses some spiritual power: reduce Chi and all Chi-attributes of equal or greater value by one for the rest of the session; however, the sorcerer's attributes cannot go below 0 due to this backlash.

Technomancy Effects

This is but a sample, as this schtick is well-suited to ingenious stunts by creative sorcerers.


This power causes machinery to fail. Guns jam, tires go flat, fuses blow and computers crash. The Outcome is the number of Sequences the machine is out. On an Outcome matching the driver's or operator's Agility it requires repair. Devices without power or moving parts, such as basic swords, are immune.


You can disrupt the workings on any machine. The Outcome is the Impairment it suffers for the rest of the sequence. The operator must immediately make a skill roll, and on a fumble, the machine crashes.


You can hide from electronic and/or automated traps, alarms and other detection systems. Use your Sorcery as if it was Intrusion to evade such detection.

Computer Empathy

You can sense the flows of data within a computer or computer network. You may connect yourself to a computer system or terminal, and emulate any desired computer and/or computer function. Thus you will be able to run programs in your mind, do netruns without a cyberdeck, paint pretty graphics on a screen, and many other things. You must touch a computer or data-transfer-cable to transfer information, but need not understand the computer language or have the right interface. You can try to emulate any computer from the local juncture that is no larger than yourself. This is a sustained power. All data stored in the virtual computer is lost if the power goes down.

Cyber Senses

You can alter your senses to hear ultrasonic sound, see infrared radiation, hear radio waves and do similar, machine-related things. This allows you to eavesdrop on any communication system, and often gives advance warning of machine sensors and alarms. Use your Sorcery in place of Perception to notice such things.

Implant Perception

You can use this discipline to implant one of your senses within an object. The object must be touched when the discipline is activated, but after that it may move away. You lose the implanted sense while the effect lasts.

Machine Empathy

You have an instinctive understanding of machines, and can operate them as if you were skilled. By merely sitting at the controls, you can make a machine fly itself. This allows you to use Sorcery instead of Drive when controlling machinery. This is much more fatiguing than running the machine normally, and not to be attempted over long distances.

Sense Purpose

You can understand what any machine does, and how it should be operated. You can avoid the usual penalties for using a tool not of your own juncture.

Remote Control

You can also remotely control machines. Control is generally imprecise, so the normal range penalty for the distance between you and the machine is applied to any and all actions the machine takes, but you can operate it using the Sorcery skill.


Repair any broken or damaged inanimate object. Each attempt costs a Magic point.

If the machine is named, you heal a number of Wound Points equal to the Action Result, but unless the result matches it's Toughness the repairs are only temporary. If it is unnamed, the difficulty is its Toughness right away.

On a Backlash, the item is permanently destroyed and cannot be repaired by any means. It is not possible to repair Arcanotech devices with this or any other purely magical spell unless you have a TechnomagicalEnabler.