
Sorcery / Schticks / Light

Light is the eternal power of radiance, truth and majesty. It reveals falsehood, deceit and falsehood, but can blind the righteous to their own faults, and can be oppressive.

Condition Difficulty
Darkness; cloudy night, closed room. O
Twilight or dim light; moonlit night, candlelight, streetlights, dusk or dawn, very heavy clouds. 5
Well lit; Indirect or dim sunlight, strong artificial light, well-lit room. 10
Blinding light; direct sunlight, projector, searchlight. 15
No Shadows; created by magic, mirrors or other trickery. 20

The difficulty of many Light effects depend on the level of illumination you wish to create. This has the paradoxical effect of making light less effective in a brightly lit area; this melds well with the nature of light magic. Light drives the darkness away; it is hard to even notice in the light of day, but is a staunch ally at night.


Many effects of Light magic causes blindness. While blind, you suffer two points of impairment an a further -2 on all ranged actions. Backlash causes temporary blindness (until the end of the scene or fight).

Light Effects

Eyes of the Sun

A sorcerer who has mastered Light never has his vision impaired by excessive or blinding light. He can watch the sun for hours. He can also see very far, and even see through heat haze, light mist or other light cover.

Soul Sight

You can gaze into people's souls. This allows you to substitute your Sorcery for Willpower when resisting Deceit or discovering falsehood. You can also discern vile and corrupt individuals with a Sorcery check against their Willpower, and must be done subtly, or they will sense your scrying. You must concentrate on your magic to do this.

True Light

Light shatters darkness and finds the truth, and this effect manifests this ability. By infusing a circle of light you create with a Magic point, you create an area where it is extremely difficult to lie, cheat, hide or otherwise use deception. Decide upon a level of illumination and mage a Sorcery roll against the corresponding difficulty; the Outcome is the diameter in meters. Dim light a -3 on all deception attempts in the area, normal light a -5, and blinding light gives -10.

Not that while the effect of this light is mostly mystical, it is also physical – which can make the affected area stand out like a sore thumb if you try and use it at a typical shadowy meeting place.


A blinding flash of light before an opponent's eyes can temporarily blind him. For each point of Outcome, reduce an opponent's shot counter by one. This can affect a whole group of unnamed characters with no multi-target penalties.


The sorcerer can light an area, making it brighter. The difficulty depends on the amount of light desired as the result of the spell. The outcome becomes the diameter of the effect in meters and the duration in minutes. You can restrict the effect to a smaller area if desired.

If you want, you can create a sharply defined, spotlight-like effect, or you can allow the light to spread. In this case, the illumination loses one level of strength (blinding/normal/dim) for each multiple of the diameter. Blinding light suddenly invoked also has the effect of a Flash.

Note that it is no more difficult to light an area just because it is darker; light outshines darkness.

Floating Light

A very convenient magic based on Illumination, the floating light is a small glowing form, usually a free-floating sphere, but sometimes merged to an object. It can move about under your direction, float at your side without directions or be affixed to an object or another person. It can be used as a part of tricks and stunts. It can be invoked at any strength, but only has a base diameter of illumination of two meters and lasts for a whole scene.


AV penalties for darkness or invisibility can be negated for attacking a particular person by placing a glowing aura around them.


Light never creates a false image, but it can be distorted and give confusing impressions. Many ethical mages loathe this use of Light magic.

An object can be made to appear in a place where it is not. This works best over long distances. The object to be misrepresented can be quite large, and can be displaced a distance equal to the actual range to the observer. So, if the observer is 100 m away, you can move the apparent location of the object up to 100 m in any direction.


You can surround yourself with a blindingly bright halo of light at the cost of a Magic point. As it is more difficult to be blinding in a brightly lit area, this uses the Illumination difficulties. The Radiance lasts one sequence per point of outcome.

While the Radiance is up, anyone who wishes to target you must spend an extra shot on each action to avoid being blinded.

Leap of Faith

While you are using Radiance, you can spend a further Magic point to go into a fully ethereal state, becoming a mite of light for a short while. This allows you to teleport over line-of-sight. The difficulty of this check is 5, with penalties for Cover and Range. A failed teleport causes backlash and leaves you stranded where you started.

‘’Madrazgul the Magnificent is trying to teleport behind a nearby couch. The difficulty is ten, plus the couch almost completely covers the area behind it. This increased the difficulty by 5, to 10. ‘’

Restore Hope

The light of inspiration shines out of the eyes of a target under this effect. He feels strong, invigorated and self-assured. This effect is invoked on those who suffer from depression or bad interaction effects, and nullifies that effect. The difficulty is the number of people you wish to inspire.

You can also use this effect to transform your Magic points into Fortune points, that can then be used to replenish the Fortune point reserves of yourself or another named character. Each Magic point spent gives one Fortune point to each beneficiary. Unnamed characters cannot use or benefit from Fortune points.