
Sorcery / Schticks / Law

Law is the power of stasis, the power of immutability and the perfection of eternity. It resists all change, striving to maintain and create stable patterns. It works on both people, magic and physical reality. Law magic generally helps those who work hard, and prefers the community over the hero, the many who strive over the one who excels.

Law is opposed by Flux, but not really similar to any other type of Sorcery. In fact, many Law magicians feel all other Sorcery is corrupt.

The attribute that govern people’s interaction with fate and law is Fortune, so this is the difficulty of Law magics. Unwilling targets aware of your actions can use Dodge, as usual.

Excessive use of Law magic makes you a rigid and unimaginative thinker, set in your ways and without ability to adapt or improvise. Backlash with Law magic costs a Fortune point.


Bless a bunch of people. The difficulty is the greatest Fortune in the group, but you can never affect more people in one casting than your Action Result. Spending Magic points doubles this number for each Magic point spent. Bless lasts for one scene.

While blessed, their moral is strengthened, so they will not hesitate. They become immune to Stunts results less than Setbacks. The negative result of any failed DeathTest is halved, making casualties much lighter than normal. Further, they never fumble, though sorcerers can still suffer backlash.

Oath Binding

You can bind someone to a promise or claim he has made. When someone pronounces an oath or solemn promise, you can reinforce that oath. As long as the oath bound act to fulfill their oath, the get the benefits of a Bless, as outlined above. But should they stray, they will notice that fate turns against them, and they lose a Fortune point for each decision they take that moves them away from fulfilling the oath. When their Fortune runs out, they begin to suffer setbacks and accidents, with a typical accident causing 1d6 Wound Points.

Oath Binding lasts until the oath is fulfilled or until dispelled with Divination or Metamagic: Remove Curse. Note that the oath bound person cannot himself strive to have the oath removed, or he will suffer from the dire effects of Oath Binding.

Home Ground

You bless a place and the people therein. You must genuinely believe these people have a right to this place. As long as they are on Home Ground, they remain blessed. The blessing is permanent, but the longest dimension of the area cannot be longer than your Action Result times the number of Magic points you spent (minimum one).

Law Speaking

You can draw support for the Law from all law-abiding people nearby. These people must be at least 50, and must believe in your system of law, though they need not be sympathetic to what you do. As long as the dissidents and troublemakers form less than 25% of the crowd, they can be stymied by giving them a two-point Impairment. The difficulty is the highest Fortune involved.

Natural Law

You can fight anything that defies natural law and your sense of what is "normal". This includes all efforts using Sorcery, Creatures Powers and Arcanotech, as well as the more fantastic Fu powers and Items. It never works against some power you or one of your close friends can use.

Whenever you see such a power being used in your presence, you can try to parry it as a 1-shot stunt. This effect suffers range penalties based on the range to the caster or the target, whichever is closer. This is similar to CommonEffects: Spell Parry, but works against more than just Sorcery.

Perfection of Effort

You help someone performing a task he is skilled in, by invoking perfection in his work. Substitute his skill with your Sorcery for the next skill roll.

Perfection of Function

Invoke this over some mechanism, machine or structure. This mechanism will work flawlessly, never suffering breakdowns or malfunctions. It still takes damage, but suffers no reduction in ability or function (except Toughness) as a result of such damage. Any penalties involved in its use (such as armor penalties) are negated.

You can always invoke this power over a vehicle you are riding in, a device you are using or a building you are inside. To invoke it for others costs a Magic point. This affects one large device or a number of smaller ones (hand tools, weapons, armor) equal to your Magic attribute. The difficulty is the highest Fortune among the users, riders or people inside the building. It lasts one day per point of Outcome.


When you use a magical effect of duration other than instant, you may spend three Magic points to make the effect permanent. You must opt to do this before you roll any dice. If you fail, there is an automatic backlash. Permanent magic is locked into the world by some geas or riddle, that must be solved before the effect can be negated. It cannot simply be dispelled. See Divination: Remove Curse. This effect is available to both Law and Metamagic.