
Sorcery / Schticks / Ice

Ice is the power of winter, the numbing cold of the glacier and the bringer of eternal sleep. Related to Air, but prominent enough as a magic style to merit its own schtick.

Deep Winter
Cold or Chilly 5
Temperate, indoors 10
Warm clime, near large fire 15
Hot desert, tropical jungle 20

The difficulty of the beneficial effects of this schtick is the target's Constitution rating

A Backlash with Ice magic causes numbness and loss of feeling, reducing your Reflexes by one.

Ice Effects

This is but a sample, as this schtick is well-suited to ingenious stunts by creative sorcerers.


These effects are common to all the elements. The descriptions are generic, but apply only to the particular element(s) you know the schticks for.

Elemental Master

With Elemental Master, you can dominate creatures of your element and expect them to do your bidding, if they are not dead-set against you. You can communicate with the elementals and speak their language fluently. Use Sorcery instead of your Charisma for purposes of dealing with them. The elementals fear and respect you and will not attack you without provocation.

Elemental Summon

You can also summon (but not control) elementals. This costs two for Magic points (one if you make it a 15-minute ritual) and has a difficulty equal to the Powers of the elemental.

Sense Elementals

You can sense the presence of any creature of your element within a hundred meters times your Sorcery action value. You only know that they are present until you can see them, whereupon you can sense their health and general well being. Sensing an elemental in this fashion requires a Sorcery check against it's Willpower. This must be done subtly, or the target will sense your scrying.

Elemental Travel

You can travel to the elemental plane of your choice. Not all campaigns have elemental planes, or they may lack relevance to the story, in which case you shoild not expect this to work. But when it does work, you open a portal to the elemental plane and arrive in a spot corresponding to the place you left your own world from - depening on the cosmology of the plane.

Elemental Protection

You are protected against the harmful effects of your element. You can even survive on the corresponding elemental plane. Whenever you would take damage from elemental attacks, subtract your Magic from the damage dealt to you. This is not armor or Toughness, and cannot be bypassed as such. Elemental attacks include ElementalAura and Blast variants of your element - compare to DamageImmunity.

Cold Spell

Decrease the temperature in the surroundings, making further ice magic easier and numbing those not equipped for the cold. Use environmental difficulties. Normally, you affect only a room or a diameter equal to your Sorcery, but spending hours and Magic points can extend the area to miles at the GM’s discretion.

Frost spreads out from you, changing the environmental condition by one step, so a hot desert becomes merely warm. For every five points out Outcome, the conditions are changed one step further. Changing conditions beyond deep winter causes a bitter cold, still air where nothing moves.

People are normally assumed to be dressed for the clime. Changing the temperature one step causes discomfort, but changing it two steps or more is dangerous. Each level of change beyond the first causes unsuitably dressed characters to suffer a Reflexes reduction of one. AddInclude


Anyone who has failed a death-test can be frozen solid. If you kill someone with Cold, you can automatically invoke this effect, otherwise you must cast it specifically against a person who has failed a death test but is not yet dead. You can also use it on voluntary or helpless victims.

People will not bleed, age or die while frozen, and as long as the cold is maintained. They can be transported or stored and then thawed out someplace where medical attention is available.


You can move unhindered and at your full Move rate on snow, ice or sleet. On a flat, unobstructed surface you can use your Sorcery as your full Move rating. You can create ice to skate on even in less-than ideal circumstances; use environmental difficulties. You can confer this ability on a number of comrades equal to your Magic attribute for a Magic point.


You can coat a section of floor or flat ground with sleet, making it treacherous to walk on. Use environmental difficulties; you can cover an area with the Outcome as diameter and duration (in Sequences). Anyone stepping on it must make an Agility task check with your Magic as the difficulty in order to avoid taking a fall. Any movement or actions contemplated automatically fail in this case.

This is similar to the Blast effect Foul Spew: Slippery Slime and the Weather effect Snow.



You can change your substance (but not your shape) into snow or ice. This costs three Magic points. In this form, you are absolutely immune to cold, and you can hide among ice and snow using your Sorcery. You can merge with snow, and pass through solid snow or ice at a rate of your Move each minute.

Wall of Ice

You can create a wall of ice that blocks passage. Use environmental difficulties: the wall forms a sheet, all parts of which must be no further away from you than the Outcome.

Anyone tries to escape being caught on the wrong side of your Wall of Ice and within a normal move of it is allowed aDodge roll against your Magic to escape while the barrier is still forming. This counts as a defensive action.

It has a Toughness equal your Magic + Sorcery skill and costs a Magic point to create.

Glacial Mastery

If you are standing on massive ice, such as a glacier or iceberg, you can also use all Earth effects, substituting ice for stone and earth and snow for sand. Use the difficulties noted under Earth.
