
Sorcery / Schticks / Enhancement

The art of mastering your own body. A common schtick among ascetic sorcerers, such as fakirs and yoga masters. This schtick is related to Healing. You can only use Enchantment effects on yourself, unless you know the Healing schtick as well as this one. If you know both Enhancement and Healing, you can use Enhancement effects on others with a touch.

Enhancement Effects

This is but a sample, as this schtick is well-suited to ingenious stunts by creative sorcerers.


Become immune to extremes of temperature, disease, poison, lack of food water or air and other discomforting environmental conditions.

Against such things, you have an effective Constitution equal to your Sorcery Acting Value. It is possible to survive under very adverse conditions, such as underwater, in vacuum, under intense radiation et al. Multiply the time you can survive under such conditions by your Sorcery Action Result. This is active at all times. When used to benefit somebody else, you must know what you are protecting them against, and the effect lasts one hour per point of Outcome. A Magic point can give this resistance to all effects, while another extends the duration to days.


You can temporarily boost attributes greatly. One of target's secondary Mind, Body or Reflexes attributes can be increased by four for the rest of the sequence. A Magic point makes the boost last for a scene.

Primary Attributes Body Mind Reflexes
Secondary Attributes Constitution Charisma Agility
Strength Perception Move
Toughness Willpower Speed


You have the marvelous ability to contort your limbs and dislocate your bones, that allows you to slip out of ropes, manacles or other restraints, as well as openings to small for an ordinary human to move through.

You use Sorcery for these stunts, and the difficulty depends on the mode of restraint used. Regardless of the method employed, the minimum difficulty is the binders Martial Arts AV. An attempt takes number of minutes of uninterrupted effort equal to the difficulty, less one for each point of Outcome.

Restraint Difficulty
Handcuffs 5
Fixed manacles 10
Straightjacket, foot cuffs 15
Bonds custom-designed for this prisoner 20

Cosmetic Change

You can alter you skin and hair coloration, change the position of muscle and body fat or grow your hair at fantastic speeds, thus changing your appearance. Use Sorcery as Deceit for disguise.


You can hibernate for long periods, avoiding aging and perhaps maintaining magic powers over a long time. You can maintain a continuous action while hibernating. You are almost impossible to find using mystic means, add your Sorcery Action Value to the usual difficulty. You appear to be dead unless examined closely and a healing check exceeds your Sorcery Action Value.

Magnify Senses

Concentrate on a narrowly defined sense, amplifying it to superhuman levels. Use Sorcery instead of Perception when scanning for some specific phenomena, but you will not sense anything but that which you scan for. Magnify Senses can also provide limited night vision, sonar, heat sense and similar capabilities as a sustained action.

Mind Over Body

You can ignore the effects of pain, debilitating wounds and other physical disabilities through sheer willpower. You thus ignore many variants of Hindrance and Drain, as well as wound impairments and the effects of specific debilitating shots and powers. This costs a point of Magic, and remains in power for the rest of the fight.

Mind Shield

Use your Sorcery Action Value instead of Willpower with a Defensive Action. A Magic point sets up a continuous shield for a scene.


You can overcome the effects of fatigue. An hour of meditation has the rejuvenating effects of hours of sleep.


You can use effects from the Healing schtick on yourself, but only yourself.