
Sorcery / Schticks / Common Effects

There are some magical effects that all sorcerers seem to be capable of. This can vary with magical tradition, but in general, it includes the following.

Many ofthese effects are downsized versions of what regular sorcery schticks can do.


You can transfer Magic points to other characters, in order to repleinish them. Decide how many points to transfer and make a Magic roll with a difficulty equal to the target's Magic rating. If you fail, the points are lost in transit.

Aid is commonly used by apprentices to bolster their masters. The masters themselves tend to use Metamagic for things like this.


You can cause minor poltergeist activity, closing doors, causing brooms to dust a floor and seams to rip or mend themselves. This is mostly useful for impressing the crowd, as it is just as demanding as doing the work yourself. More powerful effects along these lines are governed by Movement.


Any true mage can create magical objects, including potions, scroll and permanent or charged magical objects. This takes time and effort far beyond the scope of most play sessions. It is mostly intended as a plot device; you need this unique mushroom for your magical potion, but can be used by players who want to design their own magical item schticks.

Doing this quickly or with flexibility requires Artificing.

Identify Magic

If you handle a magic object, you can almost always tell that it is magical, and probably something of what it does. Detailed identification takes time, you must handle the object at least overnight. More powerful effects along these lines are governed by Divination.


You can create faintly glowing outlines of magic, forming glowing auras about people or objects or simple, transparent images. This works well to illustrate a story being told or as a replacement blackboard. It cannot really fool anyone. More powerful effects along these lines are governed by Illusion


You can create a glowing sphere, and move it around within Magic meters of yourself. It will glow about as bright as a torch. It has no power against magical darkness of any kind. More powerful effects along these lines are governed by Light.

Spell Parry

Whenever you see a spell being cast in your presence, you can try to parry it as a 1-shot stunt. This works just like an active defence, but you can actively defend another with no penalty. You suffer normal range penalties for the range to the target or spellcaster, whichever is shorter.