
Sorcery / Schticks / Artificing

Artificing is the art of creating magical items, or artifacts. With artificing, you can produce almost any magic effect, as long as you have built a device for this specific function. Artifacts use the Item rules. They are powered by Sorcery; as usual, you can spend Magic points to improve your Sorcery.

Artifacts can look like anything, but are always heavily influenced by your style of magic and Traditions. Many artificers are some sort of weird scientists or technomages, and built impossible gizmos with strange powers, but an alchemist that brews potions or a shaman that creates fetishes are also artificers.

Building devices takes time and preparation. How much time and preparation depends on the needs of the scenario, but it usually requires a short break and a cool montage of how you sweat in your workshop. GMs should usually allow sufficient time during scenarios, as there is also a Magic point cost of one for every item schtick that would normally be required for the effect.

Sometimes, you might want to start the session with a cool set of artifacts, in which case you simply pay the cost in advance, and don't need to arrange the montage or take any time during play.

Note that you do not need this schtick in order to create magic item and purchase them as item schticks that relate to your other Schticks; any sorcerer can do that with the approval of the GM. This schtick is about creating wildcard magic items with powers that your regular sorcery cannot replicate.