
Sorcery / Rules / Ritual Magic

Magicians can accomplish great deeds if they work in unison. These rules are mainly guidelines to how this works, not hard and fast rules. After all, ritual magic is the mystical equivalent of factories and battleships - not the playground of heroes.

When a lot of people focus their magical energies on one task, they magic points spent are not as effective as they usually are. Instead, the ritual group has a strength rating, and this is a bonus on the focus character's Sorcery Action value and Magic Attribute. The increase in Magic Attribute does not give extra magic points to spend, it only increases the magic-attribute based aspects of your magic.

This bonus is equal to the average Magic Attribute of the helpers, plus a factor depending on their number read on the following table;

Bonus Number of
O 1
1 1,6
2 2,5
3 4
4 6
5 10
6 16
7 25
8 40
9 60
10 100

For every multiple of ten helpers, the bonus increases by another +5; 1,000 helpers is +15, 10,000 helpers is +20 and so on.

Ritual magic is cumbersome. You need a specially prepared site appropriate to your Magic Traditions, where all the limitations of your tradition are manifested. This can be a sanctum, temple, cathedral, or magitech lab depending on tradition.

The bonus only applies to one specific task, and all the helpers must be aware of what task this is - at least in a general sense. For example, to summon a really powerful demon they all need to know the name of the demon - but not necessarily the true name (magical link), nor need they know that the demon eats half of those who summon him.