
Sorcery / Rules / Mana Level

Another game mechanic useable to alter the power level of sorcery is to change the Mana Level of an area. The most important way to do this is to limit/encourage the use of certain blatant sorcery Schticks, but other game effects can also apply.

This is not intended as an absolute chart of Mana effects; rather, it is a benchmark table the GM can use to construct his own rules for his own game worlds.

Low Mana Levels

Low Mana

No spell can last if it is not maintained by the caster; permanent spells become impossible, and no spell can last past bedtime. To cast an obvious or blatant spell, you must expand a Magic point on a Desperate Effort..

Very Low Mana

As above plus that all spells cast require that one or more Magic points be spent on a Desperate Effort.

Mana Starved

As above plus that all magic points are recovered very slowly (once a week, month or year instead of every play session).

High Mana Levels

High Mana

Area Blasts gain additional power by increasing the area; Magic points be spent on a Desperate Effort also increase the diameter of the effect (diameter = Magic Attribute • Magic Points Spent).

Very High Mana

As above, plus that all Magic points are recovered after each scene.

Absurd Mana

All Magic points are recovered each Sequence. At this mana level, sorcery can totally dominate the game, but there are often special rules that limit the power of sorcery. Customs, laws and strange geasa tend to limit the power of magicians.