
Skills / Shaping / Invoke Reality Storm

This is a TORG phenomena. The GM must decide whether it fits in his particular campaign.

When conflicting realities meet, this can result in reality storms, highly destructive whirlpools or storm fronts that change everything in their path. They are called storms because they are accompanied by high winds and lightning, but it is reality itself that is twisting, not merely the air. When the storm passes, reality itself has changed; landmarks and a few objects may remain the same, but most of the stuff of the world now confirms to the new reality.

There are often storms on the borders between different realities, but not always. Gates to the netherworld almost never have reality storms in them. There are some storms so severe that they simply tear up reality, destroying everything in their path. Such a storm should be avoided at all costs. As you generally can't see or otherwise sense across a storm border, there is no telling what is on the other side of a storm front.

Player characters caught in reality storms always survive, but might lose their gear. Players should roll Shaping rolls (this is one of the cases where shaping can be used unskilled) for their gear, ignoring the time and complexity components of the Shaping Difficulties. Those items for which they fail are transformed into local counterparts: an automobile can become a cart, a rifle becomes a crossbow, and so on.

It is possible for a reality storm to be transform people into the stormÂ’s reality, but this is rare and should be reserved for plot events.

Storm Duels

A character with Shaping skill can invoke a Reality Storm against another character with Shaping skill who is native to another reality. This is a great distraction, and can do terrible damage to property and gear.

You start a storm by making a successful Shaping attack roll your target's Shaping skill. The minimum difficulty is equal to the distance between you in meters (you must both be within the reality storm when it starts). Once the storm has started, no other actions are possible than storm attack, storm defense, interaction Stunts and fleeing. Both attacking and fleeing have a Shaping difficulty equal to your opponentÂ’s Shaping skill (the highest enemy skill in the case of fleeing). Each successful attack costs your opponent one Fortune point, and causes the storm to grow. Escaping means you get to the edge of the storm, and can make a normal move away from it, but it might catch you again as it grows.

Such dueling storms start out with a diameter equal to the Shaping roll that created them, but each successful attack increases the size of the storm by the action result of the attack. The storm collapses when all people who still have Fortune points inside the storm belong to the same reality. That reality sweeps the area, just as a regular reality storm would, and then the storm ends.
