
Skills / Seduction / Ablative Clothing

When in action, you have a marvelous ability to lose your clothes. Blows miss you by the sheerest margin, slashing your outfit. Branches conspire to rip your clothes. Claws gore clothes instead of flesh. This schtick is just as common among hunks and babes. Conan has it, as does many fantasy barbarians and bimbos in all genres.

Your dress has a number of WoundPoints equal to your Seduction value, and you can elect to take damage of these wound points instead of taking the damage yourself. Doing so transforms your outfit from proper to revealing very quickly.

When you have taken a number of WoundPoints to your clothes equal to your Charisma, any function your clothes once had is gone. You no longer have any armor, bags, backpack, or holsters. You can retain only the gear you hold in your hands and small accessories of Concealability Pocket tucked in your ruined clothing.

When all these Wound points are gone, you are as naked as they day you were born (or as naked as the genre will allow). This can serve to activate BulletproofNudity.

Changing your ripped dress for a new outfit negates the schtick for the rest of the session.
