
Skills / Seduction

The ability to sway people through wit and charm.

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can use your Seduction in familiar cultures and situations, but an aborigine celebration or mob funeral is quite likely to spook you in a major way. You can flirt, but there is a good chance you will fall for your own whiles and fall in love yourself. Your attempts at persuasion are always fairly obvious to others.

Physical Ability

You can sniff out opportunities to socialize even in completely unfamiliar environments, whether they are riddle games in a Zen monastery or poker in a pit of demons. You can try to make a threat situation into a social situation, but cannot generally end a combat except by surrendering. Of course, a true charmer is confident of his ability to gain friends and freedom once he has surrendered. This ability will not turn main antagonists into friends, but may make them say too much or waste time on "entertainment''.

You can manipulate others into feeling a powerful sexual attraction for you. Once you have done this, you can persuade them to abandon their usual inhibitions and commitments in order to please you. This never succeeds against a subject who is not attracted to persons of the seducer's gender, species or genotype; supernatural creatures may have this same problem with subjects who aren't up for sex with a zombie or whatever no matter how skillfully you come on to them.

You can also perform, on stage or otherwise. You have overcome any trace of shyness. With a little preparation, you can appear your very best, better than anyone who is merely beautiful.

Seduction is a subtle skill, that influences peoples' attitudes rather than their actions. The difficulty is generally the subjects Seduction or Willpower, but huge outcomes may be necessary, especially if you have very little time. An outcome matching your target's Willpower counts as a setback and generally gets you what you want. This is a very subjective ability; knowing your victim's quirks and tastes can be very important, but sometimes all you can do is undestand how to submit and surrender quietly.


You know languages and customs, fashions and human behavior. You also recognize taboos and can avoid faux-pas. You know a lot about human nature, especially as it relates to matters of the heart and/or mating rituals.


This skill has a very impressive contacts element. Basically, you can know anyone who fits your social background. You have a little black book full of past conquests. Some of them still pine for you, and, in spite of their better judgment, would still do almost anything for you. Others have been deliberately putting money in a savings account; they plan to use this money to hire an assassin to kill you as soon as they get a clue as to your whereabouts. Although you think you are an expert on romance, you have no idea which contact fits into which category until you get in touch with them again.

Skill Schticks

These are the Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.