
Skills / Scholar

I hate my interests. - Seymour in Ghost World

This is a generic skill for the character's scholastic ability and knowledge. It covers non-technical subjects and sciences, see FixIt for the technical stuff

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You know the common knowledge of your junction, such as who the current champion of your favorite sport is or which beers are popular in your home town.

Physical Ability

Though this is mostly a knowledge skill, it does include some practical elements. You quickly pick up the lore of any region or juncture you pass through. You can perform research in depth, collecting information from libraries and by field study. You can hold lectures, debate with other scholars and write scientific books. By pondering the intricacies of a problem, you can often come up with a good solution, giving a bonus to other tasks.


You become very knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects. Naturally, your juncture and background will play a major part in deciding what you know, but even outside your field of expertise you often give loads of trivia. Whenever you fail a knowledge check for one of your other skills, you can always make a Scholar check to see if you didn't have some scrap of knowledge after all.


You know mostly other scholars, but also some people who has aided your field research. This includes practical experts in your field of study as well as people who can arrange transportation, hire crews and other essentials.

Skill Schticks

These are the Pulp Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.