
Skills / Medicine / Arcanotech Scientist

Any doctor can install ready-made Arcanotech, but you are one of the select few who can design it. This schtick allows you to invent new Schticks and to tweak existing ones. It allso allows you to turn a SupernaturalCreature into an Abomination, and to specify what mutations it is to undergo in the process.

You are also highly knowledgeble on Arcanotech. You can instantly identify any of the common Schticks or Abominations, and can figure ut what an unknown device or Abomination is capable of in a few moments.

If you spend a 3-shot action contemplating how to best solve an Arcanotech-related problem, you can bestow a +3 action bonus on whoever is to solve the task - yourself, or someone you instruct.

This schtick is similar to Professor and Loremaster.
