
Skills / Medicine

Characters with a medical technology less than that of the year 1900 (sulfa, sterile surgery) are limited to a skill rating of 10 in this skill until they can undergo a training sequence in a modern or futuristic hospital setting. The GM must judge if this applies in each culture; ancient Arabians and Chinese were famous for their doctors, while certain native people are very good at using poison. Healers from a magical juncture usually are single-schtick magicians practicing Healing.

Base Attribute

Constitution. This might seem odd, but represents natural self-healing – the only default use of Medicine is on yourself.

Unskilled Use

It is impossible to use Medicine unskilled, but your body will work to repair any injuries you take if there is no regular medical care available. Thus, your natural resilience can work like the Medicine skill, but only for your own benefit.

Physical Ability

You can heal the sick and wounded. You can diagnose injuries and illnesses. You can look at wounds and deduce what might have caused them. You know the drugs of your juncture, and in an emergency you might be able to find local substitutes.

If you take a pause between fights to apply first aid, you can make a Medicine check and erase that much damage from a patient. First aid can only be applied once between each fight or action scene.

A character that has failed a DeathTest but not yet expired can be stablized with a Medicine roll. Stablization also counts as first aid, see above.

You can apply antidotes to counteract a Poison.


You know human anatomy. You are familiar with chemistry, particularly biochemistry. You are an encyclopedia of poisons, drugs and medicinal substances. You know the latest medical advances of your juncture. You know the famous doctors in your field by reputation. You know the best hospitals in your area for the treatment of particular conditions.


You know other doctors, nurses, and/or medics. You know patients from all walks of life. You know hospital staff and administrators, pharmaceuticals, academic researchers and lab technicians. Poison masters tend to be reclusive, but you know some of them, at least by reputation. If you are freelance, you know middlemen who can arrange contracts.


A hospital is always assumed to succeed at Medicine checks. If a character is brought to a hospital before he dies, he is always successfully saved, unless the story needs him to die. Hospitals are notoriously poor at first aid, however, performing such tasks with a skill of only 10.

Skill Schticks

These are the Pulp Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.