
Skills / Intrusion / Escape Artist

You have the marvelous ability to contort your limbs and dislocate your bones, that allows you to slip out of ropes, manacles or other restraints, as well as openings to small for an ordinary human to move through.

You use Intrusion for these stunts, and the difficulty depends on the mode of restraint used. Regardless of the method employed, the minimum difficulty is the binders Martial Arts AV. An attempt takes number of minutes of uninterrupted effort equal to the difficulty, less one for each point of Outcome.

Restraint Difficulty
Handcuffs 5
Fixed manacles 10
Straightjacket, foot cuffs 15
Bonds custom-designed for this prisoner 20

If you lack this schtick, the GM might still let you try to escape bonds. You will be very obvious about it and the difficulty is increased by ten or even more.
