
Skills / Intrusion

Security? What security! I am Mr. security!

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can Sneak, but not use more advanced break-in techniques.

Physical Ability

You are good at getting into places you're not supposed to be. You can rappel up or down vertical surfaces with the help of a rope and grappling hook. You can quickly examine secure areas and determine the best means of illicit entry. You can move quietly, hide in small places, and generally avoid being noticed under scrutiny. You can pick locks, crack safes, and circumvent electronic or magical security measures. You can install such measures to stop others like you from entering an area.

The GM assigns Difficulties to such attempts based on the sophistication of the security measures, locks, and so on, or on the quality of the scrutiny. See Traps.


You know about the latest security measures. You know what equipment you need, and how to find quality gear. You know about the great heists of history, and the techniques of the great burglars of the past. You know by reputation the best in your business today: the very best are known only by nicknames or by famous jobs they have pulled. You can recognize how a heist was done, and identify the style of the burglar.


You know criminals willing to fence stolen gear, middlemen who hire freelance spies for private or public clients, and, if you've been unlucky or careless, representatives of the justice system such as cops, lawyers, judges and jailers.

Skill Schticks

These are the Pulp Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.