
Skills / Intimidation / Taunt

A taunt is a call on opponents to fight you; a challenge and a provocation.

Taunting is done in at the start of the sequence, after initiative is rolled, and costs no shots. It lasts for one sequence. To succeed, you must make an Intimidation against the highest Intimidation skill in the group. You can affect one named enemy and/or a number of unnamed enemies standing nearby equal to your Outcome, but never ore than one named character. The target of a Taunt can resist actively by spending the usual shot from the upcoming round. A target immune to Intimidation is immune to Taunt.

A taunt impels the target to attack you; if they attack anyone else they take a -2 penalty to AV. The GM is the final judge on what is an attack.

If several people taunt the same target, that target can attack any of the taunters without giving either of them any advantage.