
Skills / Intimidation / Blue Blood

Your family is old and recognized for its nobility, one of the most prestigious in the land, and a cut above the other character's families. In a campaign where most everyone is a noble (a chivalry campaign, for example) you may even be of royal blood.

Those who care about such things will see you as a born leader, and your career often benefits. It is easy for you to be invited to parties ad social functions, and you have relatives in high places. Your word is given due consideration, you are a valuable and reliable witness, and you will mostly be assumed to have a good reason to be wherever you are doing whatever it is you are doing, even if it might seem fishy.

Even those who don't respect nobility find it hard to ignore your manners and bearing. You always score atleast a minimal success on all Intimidation Stunts. A minimal success may not have much effect, but at least you have made it clear that you are a person not to be trifled with.

You're not automatically born with a SilverSpoon, some nobles are dirt poor. If you get caught with your hands dirty, noblesse may backfire; people hate nothing so much as when their trust is misplaced.
