
Skills / Gunnery

This skill is appropriate only in genres where vehicles and driving are very important, such as the Crimson Skies campaign, otherwise such weapons are governed by Guns or FixIt.

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can push the button, but not remove the safety or check the load.

Physical Ability

You can shoot vehicle-mounted weapons, where the movement of the entire vehicle must be taken into account. You can use Gun Schticks with Gunnery.


You know everything about vehicle-mounted weapons, and can go on talking about caliber and ammo types until everyone has left in disgust. You can identify heavy weapons by their sound and by their effects on targets. You know who can shoot what, and will recognize an ace by his swagger alone.


You know other gunners, who will respect you but may hate your guts. You know mechanics and supply officers who work with ammo and guns. You may even know some people who are willing to supply such gear illegally, though government control over heavy weapons is immensely stricter than their control over regular guns.

Skill Schticks

These are the Pulp Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.