
Skills / Drive

You can ride or drive any vehicle or mount. Anything goes, as long as you can have a chase scene in it.

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can manage basic non-emergency, non-stunt driving of a vehicle common to your juncture. This means horses for 69 and 1850, or automobiles for the contemporary and 2056 junctures.

Physical Ability

You can drive vehicles like there's no tomorrow. Vehicle stunts are second nature to you. You may drive any vehicle once you figure its controls. Given adequate time and equipment, you can repair and care for any vehicle you are familiar with. Note that the horse counts as a vehicle, if your background is appropriate you know the basics of the care and feeding of these animals.

When driving, you can use your Drive as Dodge, both for yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle.


You know about the history of the vehicles you are familiar with. You know the quirks of various specific models of your favored vehicle. You can quote statistics about their technical specifications, if applicable. You know where to go to purchase vehicles, and how to negotiate good prices from sales staff. You are familiar with anecdotes about vehicles and famous drivers and pilots.


You know mechanics, other expert drivers and vehicle sales people. (In the case of horses, you know riders, livery stable employees, breeders and owners.) You know people involved in racing, if applicable for your vehicle. These might include fans, sports writers, touts, and groupies of either sex.

Skill Schticks

There Are Vehicle Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.

Describe Schticks here.