
Skills / Deceit / Gambler

Ypu have a knack, for gambing. Cinematic gambling has little to do with real-world gambling, and is less about folding at the right time or calculating odds and more about absurd luck. This schtick gives you the ability to draw just the right card to fill out your glorious hand or to give your race horse that little extra burst of speed. In some ways, it can be said to be a limited version of Shaping - you make reality conform to your wishes, but in a very limited way.

When gambling against another character, make opposed Deceit rolls to see who gains the advantage at each stage. The Outcome is a bonus on your next roll. If you get an Outcome matching your opponet's Fortune, you win. As in any fight, various stylish stunts can give you a bonus.

Between each round, the stakes are raised - generally doubled. Refusing to match a raise means you forfeit the game.

Rigged games give the cheater a bonus of +3, or possibly even more for complex cheats. But any Outcome scored by honest gamblers is doubled, as they can use the cheat to their advantage once they realize it's there. On any success, you see the cheating, but you can only prove it is there once you have won the game.

You can also gamble on real world events, such as a race or duel. Whenever you have a bet riding on such an event, you can spend Fortune points on it, and this is cumulative with any Fortune points the contestants spend.
