
Skills / Deceit

Quick of mind and body, the trickster can stay on top of any situation by wit and luck.

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can perform tricks if you have been instructed or planned them in advance, but are not capable of spur-of-the-moment trickery. You cannot make forgeries or imitate individuals. You can learn the ropes and play a hand in most regular games, but arcane games such as Buddhist paeans are out of your league.

Physical Ability

This skill is used to quickly come up with and implement tricks to distract and confuse others. Tricks can be confusing harangues of spurious logic, but are most often physical in nature, such as sand thrown in an opponentÂ’s face or a quickly spotted pile of boxes used as a trap. Deceit stunts can be used in combat, more details can be found in the Stunts. The difficulty of Tricks are most often the opponents Deceit or Perception. An outcome matching your target's Willpower counts as a setback and generally gets you what you want.

You can disguise your appearance, either to hide your identity or look like a specific individual. You can mimic voices. You can forge credentials and feign familiarity with skills you don't really have.

You have a knack for gambling. You can read faces and body language and sense whether people are bluffing or not. You can convince professional gamblers and others on the shady side of the law that you're one of them, someone they can trust not to bug out on a wager or squeal to the cops. You can perform outrageous tricks, like cock a die you are throwing in order to get a desired result, employ sleight of hand, and so on.


You know of famous scams and tricks. You are familiar with the exploits of various con-men and adventurers. You know the rules, odds, and statistics of any popular game of chance like the back of your hand. You know the various legal penalties for various forms of gambling, fraud and deception. You know by reputation the law enforcers responsible for enforcing such laws in your usual area of operation. You know many colorful anecdotes of notorious deceivers of the past and present. You know a lot of trivia, such as the last ten presidents of Turkmenistan, the current needed to cause an ordinary light bulb to explode or the optimum temperature for silicone lubricants.


You know shady lawyers and bail bondsmen. You know gamblers, bookies, casino staff, and gambling groupies of either sex. You may know, but are not likely to be friendly with, beat cops, fraud squad officers, and prison guards. You may know low-level gangsters and their associates. Some tricks require preparation and props, and you have a knack for finding the right person to supply such things. You also have some contacts with other tricksters and former "clients'', but such contacts are rivals at best, intense enemies at worst.

Skill Schticks

These are the Pulp Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.