The basic type of special effect in T3. Themechanism can be used for almost anything. Examples of schticks include:
- Arcanotech allows you to warp yourself beyond recognition.
- Blast can be learned as a part of several other sets of schtichs.
- Creatures power users not human, but way cool
- Cyber is the ultimate hi-tech nightmare.
- Fu is the power of the Martial Artist.
- Guns cover everything a modern hero needs.
- Items covers hi-tech gear, gimmicks, magic items, vehicles and other miscellany.
- Medicine schticks develop the skill even further.
- Pulp schticks, for that mushy feeling.
- Races are campaign-specific, but similar to the archetypes. Far from finished
- Sorcery manipulates Chi most directly.
- Spellware is imbedded magic.