
Races / Schticks / Tail

Available to: Kobold, Tiskraan.

Fu: 1, Shot: 1 or 3, Maximum picks: 1 or 2

You may use your tail to attack, inflicting Strength +3 damage. Striking to the rear costs but a single shot, striking to the front costs the normal three.

You can also use the tail for simple manipulation. If you wish a fully articulated tail, as nimble as your hand, this requires an additional schtick. This can be quite a surprise, and gives a bonus of +3 to tasks such as picking pockets and tripping people.

A kobold tail also allows you to operate freely in sand, swamp or a flooded environment, as long as you can wade. It is not much good for swimming. Kobolds cannot spend two schticks on their tails.