
Races / Schticks / Swindle

Available to: Fox, Raccoon, Raven.

Fu: 3, Shot: 1, Maximum picks: 5

Touch a character who has used an ability during the current Sequence. If your MartialArts check is successful then you may on your next shot use that ability against any target using Martial Arts as your Acting Value. You need not spend any Fu, Magic or similar points to activate this, beyond the cost of Swindle. The power you use is in all ways identical to the one your target used, including damage rating, bonuses for Fu points spent et al. Game values are not recalculated using your attributes.

Select a single type of ability you can swindle when you take this schtick: either Arcanotech, Creatures, Fu powers, Races schticks or Sorcery. You can spend additional schticks to add another type from this list.