
Races / Schticks / Sonar

Available to: Bat, Ork.

Fu: X, Shot: 0, Maximum picks: 1

You have sonar, a sonic sense that works as well as sight, except that it cannot distinguish color. It normally reaches out to a range of your Perception in meters, and requires no action of any kind to activate.

If you spend Fu and Shots activating this schtick, you make a savage howl that echoes magnificiently and is mysterioulsy hard to locate. For the rest of the sequence, multiply the range of your Sonar ability by the number of Fu you spent.

You use sonar to sense perfectly in the dark, through mist and similar obstructions. You cannot perceive holograms or illusions that are visual only. You have no color perception, and thus cannot see text, signs, images, and other color distinctions.

ElfinSenses and EarthSense are comparable abilities.