
Races / Schticks / Shed Skin

Available to: Snake.

Fu: 8, Shot: 1 hour, Maximum picks: 2

You may abandon your old human form in favor of a completely new human appearance of your choice. Doing so costs 8 Fu points: these points do not return until the hour of change has elapsed. The transformation itself takes 1 hour amd leaves your old outer shell lying about as a thin film of dead flesh.

If you spend an additional schtick on this ability, you can recreate the appearance of specific people you have studied carefully for at least a week immediately prior to your use of the schtick.

When you change your appeartance, your mannerisms and movement pattern change as well - the disguise is perfect.

You may never return to a former appearance, even if you shed your skin multiple times. Even with two schticks spent you still can't go back to an old form, so you can only immitate a particular person once.