
Races / Schticks / Mockery

Available to: Fox, Gazelle, Hyena, Otter, Bugbear, Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Snotling.

Fu: 3, Shot: 3, Maximum picks: Any

You may verbally deride and distract any intelligent being who can understand your words. Make a Charisma check with the target's Willpower as the Difficulty. If successful, the target is unable to attack any character other than you until the end of the Sequence. In the unlikely event that two characters are using Mockery at the same time on the same target the one with the higher Outcome becomes the object of the target's rage. Range equals your Fu rating in meters.

You can spend an additional schtick to make this a normal ranged attack.

You can also spend additional schticks to target one additional opponent for each schtick spent, take the highest Willpower among your targets as your Difficulty.