
Races / Schticks / Lust

Available to: Goat, Minotaur, Menead.

Fu: 3, Shot: 1, Maximum picks: Any

Take a lewd and indecent posture to incite lust in others. To those who see you, but are not affected, you are quite obviously vulgar.

Make a Charisma roll and compare this to your target's Willpower: the Outcome is the number of shots he will lose, perplexed at the urges that suddenly fill him. During the rest of the sequence, any sexual interaction against him has a bonus equal to this Outcome. This applies to all sexual interactions, not only your own. A severly afflicted target may well start to make amorous advances on his own volition.

The interaction bonus from several applications of Lust are not cumulative, though shots are still lost for each use.

Taking this schtick several times allows you to try to affect one person per schtick pick simultaneously; the difficulty is the highest Willpower rating in the group. All targets must be able to see you clearly.