
Races / Schticks / Lurk

Available to: Crocodile, Mouse, Rat, Halfling.

Fu: 8, Shot: 0, Maximum picks: Any

You can make yourself invisible to others by hiding behind even the most inadequate of cover. Make an Intrusion check with the Perception of the target character as the Difficulty; if successful the target simply cannot see you. If you are anything but perfectly still, or if somebody who can see you points you out, the ability is negated.

For each extra schtick you spend on this ability, you may affect an additional target. When used against multiple opponents, use the highest Perception as the Difficulty.

Once you've made the Lurk check, you may continue lurking as long as desired. You only need to make another check if you move, if you want to affect an additional target, or until someone you can't target enters the area and spots you (in which case failure is automatic). You can use the schtick later on against new targets, as long as you have the Fu to spend. Thus, you can Lurk from a good number of people, if only a few turn up each Sequence.

Notice that you can still Sneak in the ordinary fashion if your cover is at least somewhat adequate - and that you can choose to use Lurk against some specific observer, merely sneaking against others, who you presume are less observant.