
Races / Schticks / Infect

Available to: [Hyena](Races/Animals/Hyena.html "Races/Animals/Hyena"), [Rat](Races/Animals/Rat.html "Races/Animals/Rat"), [Gnoll](Races/Fantasy/Gnoll.html "Races/Fantasy/Gnoll").

Fu: 3, Shot: 3, Maximum picks: 1

Make an unarmed attack against an opponent with a MartialArts check. If successful, the opponent suffers normal damage. Keep a separate tally of Infect Wound Points, as these give one point of impairment for every full five Wound Points suffered. This is not cumulative with normal injury penalties, only the worst apply. Damage delivered through an Infect attack do not heal naturally; they must be treated with antibiotics or disease-curing magic first.