
Races / Schticks / Flight

Available to: [Bat](Races/Animals/Bat.html "Races/Animals/Bat"), [Bee](Races/Animals/Bee.html "Races/Animals/Bee"), [Butterfly](Races/Animals/Butterfly.html "Races/Animals/Butterfly"), [Crow](Races/Animals/Crow.html "Races/Animals/Crow"), [Eagle](Races/Animals/Eagle.html "Races/Animals/Eagle"), [Hawk](Races/Animals/Hawk.html "Races/Animals/Hawk"), [Owl](Races/Animals/Owl.html "Races/Animals/Owl"), [Parrot](Races/Animals/Parrot.html "Races/Animals/Parrot"), [Raven](Races/Animals/Raven.html "Races/Animals/Raven"), [Rooster](Races/Animals/Rooster.html "Races/Animals/Rooster"), [Swallow](Races/Animals/Swallow.html "Races/Animals/Swallow").

Fu: X, Shot: 3, Maximum picks: 1

Add X (the amount of Fu you spent on this schtick) to your Move for the rest of the sequence, as you seem to become lighter and almost fly along the ground.

Spending eight or more Fu in this way allows you to actually take off and fly for the rest of the Sequence. If you start the sequence airborne, the schtick must be used on your first action, or you suddenly land, but you need not spend the full eight points of Fu to remain airborne.

While flying, you must move straight forward a minimum distance equal to your original Move each action or stall. The bonus move gained from your spent Fu points can be used to move however you like.