
Races / Schticks / Elfin Senses

Available to: Briaur, Elf.

Fu: X, Shot: 0, Maximum picks: Any

You have some very keen sense. Pick one sense with each schtick pick. Typical examples are night vision, telescopic sight, hearing, smell, touch and balance. Extended senses such as mistvision and forestsight are also possible.

This schtick is active at all times. By spending Fu, you can amplify your sensitivity, adding the amount of Fu spent to your Perception for the sequence.

When you have any such an elfin sense active, you are at all times less troubled by darkness, mist and other hindrances, suffering no penalties as long as your target is within Perception meters. You can also sense anything based upon your selected sense out to ten meters times your Perception.

If you have several elfin senses, you only need to spend one set of Fu points in order to improve all your senses.

Sonar and EarthSense are comparable abilities.