
Races / Schticks / Camouflage

Available to: Elf, Giant, Snotling.

Fu: 2, Shot: 3, Maximum picks: 1 (Giant), Any (Elf)

You have long lived in harmony with your home terrain, and learned its ways. Your skin is colored to fit the environment.

If you take up a position in your preferred lands while out of sight and stand still, you are undetectable until somebody comes closer than his Perception in meters. Anybody who makes an active search adds the +3 for Active Defense, and gets to make a roll. Count the result as his Perception for spotting you.

Giants only get to choose one type of terrain for this schtick; elves can pick it several times to adjust to several types of terrain. Typical choices are caves, desert, forest, plains, jungle and so on. More exotic choices are woodwork, brick tiles or underwater.