
Races / Schticks / Call Of The Wild

Available to: Elephant, Wolf, Goblin, Kobold, Ork, Triton.

Fu: 3, Shot: 1, Maximum picks: Any

You can send a psychic signal. That signal may be either a request for aid, a challenge or a warning to flee the area. Those who hear it get a rough idea of where you are when you sound it. No more sophisticated messages may be transmitted. Range of the ability equals your Fu rating in kilometers times your number of schtick picks.

Who can hear the signal depends on the genre and on who you are.

If you are a triton, it goes out to any and all tritons, marids and dolphins in your vicinity. If you are a transformed animal, it goes out to all transformed animals.

If you are a critter, or if the type of creature you are calling out to is common in the genre, only your acquaintances and those of your own race and species can hear it.