
Races / Schticks / Bounce

Available to: Monkey.

Fu: 1, Shot: 1, Maximum picks: 3

Make a MartialArts check in which you bounce off an available vertical surface, such as a tree, pillar or wall. Each bounce has a difficulty of 10 and can be up to your Move in meters. When you stop bouncing, you may launch any Martial Arts attack against an available target. Add 2 to your Martial Arts Action Value for that attack for each bounce you have just made, with a maximum bonus of +6.

If you spend an additional schtick on this ability add 3 for each bounce. If you spend an extra two schticks, add 4 for each bounce. The maximum bonus remains +6. You may not spend more than two additional schticks on this ability ever.

If you are somehow stopped from bouncing against your will or if you lose any shots you gain no bonus for any attacks you subsequently launch and have to start over.

If you elect not to attack after bouncing, you may instead cling to a wall, roof, branch or almost anything else. You cannot cling to a sheer steel plate, but can hang on to a corner even when there are no handholds.