
Races / Schticks / Awe

Available to: Butterfly, Lion, Playelf.

Fu: 9, Shot: 6, Maximum picks: 1

Everybody in your vicinity will focus one you, watch you and listen to you while you are using this power. You must be clearly visible and audible to all those who are to be affected, but on a stage you could affect thousands at once. Make a Charisma roll, all whose Charisma you match are spellbound by your Awe, friend and for alike. For the rest of the Sequence they will do nothing but listen to what you say with rapt attention, and be filled with the power of your message. You can use interaction skills on them while they are entranced by your Awe, and they will not pay attention to anyone else.

If attacked, they will defend and then snap out of it, but otherwise all they do is watch you and listen. The effect ends at the end of the Sequence.