
Races / Schticks / Animate Element

Available to: Giant.

Fu: 10, Shot: 3, Maximum picks: any

Certain giants can animate the elements near where they live. Thus a fire giant can animate fire, a desert giant sand and a reef giant water. The elemetal stays around as needed, or until sunrise or sunset. If destroyed, no new elemental can be animated until the next sunrise or sunset. The maximum number of elementals that can be animated equals the number of picks you have in Animate Element, but they must be animated one after the other (at 10 Fu each, this is likely to take several sequences). Giants sometimes use this ability to create mounts for themselves, and it can also serve the comforts of the giant, i.e. as a watchdog, menial laborer or servant.

The animated chunk of element counts as an unnamed supernatural creature and has the same attributes and Martial Arts skill as the giant himself. It is not sentient but acts like faithful dog or steed. It attacks as appropriate for its form. It has one schtick in ElementalAttack and AbysmalSpines, two schticks of Armor and DamageImmunity to its own element type. Lacking the Powers skill, it is very vulnerable to Summoning.