
Races / Fantasy / Snotling

Attributes: Body 2, Chi 5, Mind 6, Ref 7


Snotlings are tiny goblin-kin, diminutive rat-like humanoids who thrive on mischief and deception. They infest sewers, caves and warrens, and sometimes spread to warehouses and grain silos, where they can cause a lot of damage. As intelligent creatures, they can be negotiated with or bribed , and it is even possible for them to become friends or form partnerships. But mostly, they are treated as vermin and exterminated whenever possible.

Personality: Snotlings love to cause mischief and to get larger creatures in their power, but they seem to do this more as a sort of cruel prank than as guerilla warfare. Once a victim is captured, bound and taunted mercilessly, the Snotlings will often let them go.

Physical Description: About a foot long, with a baggy body and long, spindly legs and arms, Snotlings who are crouching can easily be mistaken for big rats. Their ears and beady eyes are rat-like, but they have distinctive faces, no whiskers, and lack all hair. Most of them lack tails.

Relations: Civilized races detest Snotlings, and the drow and dwarfs have especially much trouble with them. Kobolds and Goblins share some their love of mischief. Gnomes sometimes share their prankish nature, and the few good Snotlings that exist are usually friends with gnomes.

Snotlings Lands: Snotlings are scavengers and prefer to live near civilized creatures, in sewers, dumps and the like. A Snotling dwelling can exist right under the noses of larger creatures without their knowing.

Names: When speaking to others, they like to assume pompous names, like Mamundo the Magnificent or Roger of Severstone, which may or may not have some meaning or relation to who they really are - and which the snotling may or may not remember the next time you meet.